Data Type Practice Question 1: Integer Operation Declare two integer variables, num1Int and num2Int, and assign them values of your choice. Calculate the sum of num1Int and num2Int Print the sum Question 2: Float Operation Declare two float variables, float1 and float2, and assign them values of your choice. Calculate the quotient of ‘float1’ and ‘float2’ Print the quotient Question 3: Format Manipulation Write a message that equals a sentence with two placeholder variables Write two strings with two placeholder variables to insert into the message Print that message

#Question 1
def sumofint(num1Int,num2Int):
    return num1Int+num2Int
print("The sum of the float "+str(num1int)+" and"+ str(num2int)+" is "+str(sumofint(num1int,num2int)))

#Question 2
def sumoffloat(num1float,num2float):
    return num1float+num2float
print("The sum of the float "+str(num1float)+" and "+str(num2float)+" is "+str(sumoffloat(num1float,num2float)))

#Question 3
# string1="Dogs"
string1=input("What is one thing you like?")
# string2="Cats"
string2=input("What is another thing you like?")
message="I like "+string1+" and "+string2+"."

The sum of the float 3 and2 is 5
The sum of the float 3.1 and2.5 is 5.6
I like cats  and dogs.


- In this teamteach I learned a lot on the different types of Variables
- Types
    - boolean
    - String
    - Integer
    - Float
    - Joining Strings
- You can convert data types