“Repeat”- this is a term in collegeboard psuedo code used to act as for loops

“variable1 <- temp”- this is an example of assigning variables with the temp variable being assigned to variable 1

“INPUT()”- this is college board pusedo code that takes input

“RANDOM(a, b)”- this returns a random number between 1 and 3

Conditional Operators: “or”- this says if the first statement or second statemnt is true the whole expression is true “and”- this says if both statements are true in the expression the whole expression is true “not”- this makes the statement the opposite of what is is for example False becomes True and reverse applies

Lists: Example: a1 <- [value1,value2,value3] This assigns value1-3 to a list called a1 - INSERT(aList, i, value) this inserts a value at index i into the list aList - APPEND(aList, value) this adds a value at the end of the list or after the last index - REMOVE(aList, i) this removes the value at index i from the list - LENGTH(aList) this finds the length of the list

Functions: PROCEDURE procName(parameter1, parameter2, …) { RETURN(expression) }

This procedure psuedo code by college board is similar to a python function with paramter 1 and 2 being normal paramters and the RETURN(expression) simply outtputing or giving back a value.