Blog / article on you and team


  • Reflection glows and grows from the demo


  • One piece of grow we recieved from some CSA students is to add more features for the customizalibility of the buttons to make it a better site overall and to also better the SASS and design elements to make it look much better. They also said to make a feature where you can change the shape of the button to for example a circle or another shape.
  • Another grow they told us to add was the ability to change the user profile in a much simpler format and to make it more simlar to an actual website where the button to change the user is integrated into the user profile picture
  • Some CSA students and parents that visited our booth gave similar feedback which said that they liked the potential of the website and the advanced login systems with options ot change User profile pictures and other information and also the Design and how you are able to customize your own design and save it to the database and create designs as public and private


  • they also liked our search function feature and the heavy backend that was implemeneted
  • They liked the animation feature and thought it was a cool finishing touch
  • They thought the frontend of the homepage was clean and professional


  • from feedback, something you will add to individual CPT project
  • I personally should try to integrate more backend features that will allow the project to change other information such as an About Me or other user-profile related information

Here are some of the pictures of the people we talked to about our project

Over here we explained some of the featues of our site such as th animations where you can move the button as the people watching gave feedback and observed.

Blog On Event

In Compsci

  • As I walked around I witnessed many presentations and projects of the CPT with different frontends but also a different backend behind it powering the whole project. For example, in Adviks group I was able to witness a platform similar to Youtube being created where in the backend they were able to figure out how to store videos. Also in Ronnit’s group I was able to witness their meme project, which was cool as they were able to store many images. I was also able to witness Nitin’s real estate project, which was very cool.

Out of Compsci

  • Out of compsci I was able to witness a variety of students learning more about the different projects that the students have been working on long and hard. I was able to see the parents enjoying their children’s and other students work and other art-classes witness the computerscience projects and it was a very lively and vibrant enviorement.