Version Control- Tarun

  • I use SDLC and git into my version control, which is important for working/collaborating on projects with others
  • I have local machine files and I have files on the github server, which is apart of a “repo”, and I update my local files to the repo by “commiting”
  • I have SDLC so whenever I have an improvement no matter how small it is, I immediately test locally and commit to show my progress, and if something breaks, I can revert a commit too

Local Host vs Deployed- Johnathon

  • The localhost URL for my project is, and no one else can see what I see because the project when using localhost url runs on my local machine in port 4100, rather than running on a public server.
  • The github Pages Url for my project is, and others can see what I see since its running publicily on the github pages server, rather than just on my computer. It is using the domain.

DNS and GitHub Pages- Johnathon

  • There is a domain on my Github Pages deployed site and it is
  • The url for my github pages is different from my neighbhors URL since it has a different subdomain with my github username, and also the endpoint is different as I used the name CSATarunStudent, and I didn’t put my last name, since I don’t know any other Tarun’s in the school, as it is not a common name in dnhs.