# My programming will be about finding the average grades in a class
n=int(input("How many students are there?"))
ListOfGrades=[float(input("enter the grade of student "+str(i)))for i in range(n)]
for i in ListOfGrades:
print((sumvalue/n),"is the average grade of the class")

import math
print(value," is the worst iteration count for binary search")

# It will be choice A as the program doubles all the elements in the list. 
20.0 is the average grade of the class
5  is the worst iteration count for binary search


- Types of Operators
Use the “+” operator to add two numbers in JavaScript

Use the “-“ operator to subtract two numbers in JavaScript

Use the “*” operator to multiply two numbers in JavaScript

Use the “/” operator to divide two numbers in JavaScript

Use the “%” operator to get the remainder of a division operation in JavaScript
- Binary Search
    - Binary search involves dividing the list in half constantly in search of the wantd number and the list must be sorted
    - This means the timing or iteration counts is log2(n) where n is the size of the list