Reflection of Tri 1

Weeks 0-3 I worked mainly on setting up applications such as Vscode, Github, and more and getting use to thm as I was not very comfortable with them at first. I then focused more on the terminal commands as I had some background in it but not fully experienced in it. I also made many projects during this week using research from online and the previous Python knowledge I had before taking this course. For example, I made a weather program that when you submit the weather in a textbox outputs the temperature of that location and doing this project really helped me get use to real-world applications of API and also javascript frontend programming with the submit button and text box. Apart from this program I made an email classifier, which clasifies spam email and this is a common machine learning project used for many begining in AI.

Weeks 4-7 I delve deeper more into the different web programming and focused on the different applictions I could use this knowledge towards. I got mor use to the different Javascript syntaxes for things such as variables looping and more. I also learned about GIthub Utterance comments and it’s usefulness as people could comment feedback on my website and possibly even how to improve it. I also learned about the differnt team roles, scrum boards, and much more management techniques.

Week 8-12 These weeks focused more into my passion project with my team, which was on Cryptography an intresting subject focusing on encoding and encoding text. I was the backend engineer or coder in this project and focused on making AI decryption possible. I was able to make 2 AI models that succesfully decrypted encrypted text although not fully to an industry level but a basic working level. I also made scripts for this that generated data to train the AI. I also worked on the frontend a little bit, helping with the glowing effects to make the website less plain and also linking the flask endpoints into the frontend. I also made some of the textboxes that were important for the user to enter the information.

Overall Summary:

The integration of theoretical computer science concepts into a revoltionary cryptography projected has helped me grow to learn about project management and also the tough yet rewarding work behind these projects. I was able to get use to many things such as Javascript, Python Machine learning, and markdown/html. I am eager to learn more in the next tri of AP CSP and hopefully gain much more knowledge which I can apply to future projects.